Corporate governance > Annual General Meeting
Revenio Group Plc's highest decision-making body is the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting confirms the annual accounts of the company, decides on the distribution of dividends and discharges the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director and the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and auditors. The Annual General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting is held annually at the date determined by the Board of Directors by the end of June, and it deals with the matters pertaining to the Annual General Meeting according to the Articles of Association and any other proposals to the General Meeting. In addition, the company may have an extraordinary general meeting if necessary.
In accordance with the Companies Act, a shareholder has the right to have a matter at the General Meeting addressed to the Annual General Meeting if he / she requests it from the Board of Directors in sufficient time to include the matter in the notice of the meeting. A shareholder shall submit any request for entry on the agenda of the General Meeting together with the reasons or proposed resolutions in writing to Revenio Group Oyj, Äyritie 22, 01510 VANTAA. By the end of the financial year preceding the General Meeting, the Company will announce on its website and in the IR calendar the date by which the shareholder must submit his request.
Any proposal for a resolution of shareholders concerning the composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors and the election of auditors shall be included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting if the shareholders presenting the proposal have at least 10% of the voting rights; the candidates have given their consent to the election; and the draft resolution has been submitted to the Company so that the draft resolution may be included in the notice of the general meeting.
Minutes of the AGM
Decisions of the AGM
CEO's review at the General Meeting
Notice to the Annual General Meeting
Financial Statements, Report by the Board of Directors and Auditor’s note
Financial Statements Release 2022
Remuneration report
Board’s proposals for the Annual General Meeting
Proposed members of the Board of Directors
Privacy policy
Notice to the Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (in Finnish)
Remuneration policy
Introduction of new members to the Board: Arne Boye Nielsen and Bill Östman